Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild of Toronto

Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️

On this day celebrating love, we reflect on the life of St. Thomas More, a man who showed true love, not only for his family but for truth, integrity, and God.

St. Thomas More was a devoted husband and father, known for his deep affection for his wife, and his children. Despite his immense legal and political responsibilities, he prioritized their education, faith, and well-being, writing them tender letters filled with wisdom and love.

But St. Thomas More’s greatest love was for God. Even in the face of adversity, he remained steadfast in his conscience, choosing martyrdom rather than betraying his faith and principles. His final words, “I die the King’s good servant, but God’s first,” remind us that the greatest love is one rooted in truth and sacrifice.

This Valentine’s Day, may we be inspired by St. Thomas More’s unwavering love, love for family, love for justice, and love for God.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild! 

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